Groin could also have been in a fable by Jean de la Fontaine, this great storyteller-poet was born on July 8, 1621. Moreover, Groin found one of the first texts of Groin des Villes and Groin des Champs.
Formerly the Groin de ville
Invited the Snout of the fields,
In a very civil way,
Has reliefs of ortogroins.
On a Turkey Snout
The cover was set:
I let life think
What did those two snouts do.
The treat was very honest,
Nothing was lacking in the Groin;
But someone disturbed the party,
While they were on the train.
At the door of the room
They heard a noise;
The Town Snout scurries away,
His comrade follows him.
The noise stops, we retire:
Snouts in the field immediately;
And the City dweller to say:
Let's finish our whole roast.
That's enough, said the Rustic;
Tomorrow you will come to my house.
It's not that I groin myself
Of all your Groin feasts;
But nothing comes to interrupt me;
I eat everything at leisure.
Farewell then; fi du Groin
That fear can corrupt