Collection: Illustrated overview of the History of Art, artistic movements, art and bacon humor

The pig is an animal that has been depicted in art since ancient times. It is present in cultures around the world, and its symbolic meaning can vary depending on the context. In prehistoric art, pigs are often depicted as hunting animals. In ancient art, pigs are often depicted as symbols of fertility. They are often associated with fertility, due to their ability to reproduce quickly. In medieval art, pigs are often depicted as symbols of lust and gluttony. In Renaissance art, pigs are often depicted as symbols of wealth and prosperity. In modern and contemporary art, pigs are often used to explore themes such as nature, society and culture. They are often used to create images that are both familiar and strange, and which invite the viewer to question their perception of reality.

The pig is an animal often associated with absurd humor. It is often used to create incongruous situations or to subvert audience expectations.

In this collection dedicated to the History of Art, we decided to go even further in absurd and offbeat humor, by associating each period of the history of Art, the pig is more precisely its bacon.

Here are some examples of the representation of the pig in the history of art, inspirations which served as a basis for reflection on the artistic epic of our slice of bacon.

In prehistoric art, pigs are often depicted in cave paintings. For example, in the Lascaux caves in France, pigs are depicted hunting deer.

In ancient art, pigs are often depicted on vases and sculptures. For example, in ancient Greece, pigs were often depicted on wine vases.

In medieval art, pigs are often depicted in religious paintings and sculptures. For example, in the Bible, pigs are often associated with lust and gluttony.

In Renaissance art, pigs are often depicted in still life paintings. For example, in the painting "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci, a pig is depicted on the table with the other foods.

In modern art, pigs are often used by artists such as Salvador Dalí and René Magritte. For example, in the painting “The Riddle of Wilhelm Tell” by Salvador Dalí, a pig is depicted stealing a cart.

In contemporary art, pigs are often used by artists such as Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst. For example, in the sculpture "Piggy Bank" by Jeff Koons, a golden pig is depicted.

The history of art in slices of bacon is a delicious and original work that combines art and humor.